Week 1 (1x1) - Startup Quote Images Grabber - 1x52 - A project a Week

30 August 2011 View Comments »

I got attracted by Katie's Project which she aptly named 1x52. Basically, 1x52 is a challenge where the pursuers aim at creating a project per week round the year. At first look, I thought that it is a humongous task and will be very difficult to continue. But, I also understood that it will be very helpful in improving my Skills. Also, from my experience I realized that I work better with deadlines. By having just one week for every project, my effectiveness ( mind you, not efficiency ) should improve a lot. If I am successful in this, I may also improve my perseverance, which I think is a bit not upto the level of other qualities of mine. And as always, if successful , it brings me some fame too :P

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65 Lessons I learned about Entrepreneurship

02 August 2011 View Comments »

For starters, I started a personalized merchandise company with couple of my friends while in my final year of graduation. When we jumped into this business , we knew nothing about Entrepreneurship. Not just that, we even did not know anything about merchandising, the core of our business. All we had was the zeal for making money and the knowledge that the top market players in this business are not yet indomitable. We thought that is all that is needed, as we had high esteem about our skills. But as every first time entrepreneur experiences, the ground realities are different. Once you are into it, you will learn a lot of lessons.

Though I parted with my first company within an year and a half, my interest in entrepreneurship has never left me. During the course of the year that followed, I learnt many more lessons. Here goes the compilation of lessons I learnt and probably you are not told when jumping into Entrepreneurship.

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