Week 1 (1x1) - Startup Quote Images Grabber - 1x52 - A project a Week
30 August 2011
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I got attracted by Katie's Project which she aptly named 1x52. Basically, 1x52 is a challenge where the pursuers aim at creating a project per week round the year. At first look, I thought that it is a humongous task and will be very difficult to continue. But, I also understood that it will be very helpful in improving my Skills. Also, from my experience I realized that I work better with deadlines. By having just one week for every project, my effectiveness ( mind you, not efficiency ) should improve a lot. If I am successful in this, I may also improve my perseverance, which I think is a bit not upto the level of other qualities of mine. And as always, if successful , it brings me some fame too :P
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